Sunday, March 28, 2010


Loyal readers and random finders of the greatest blog in the history of blogs (this one):

Very soon, Hotter Than New Love will be moving into a new exciting .com format with new styles and organization.

The new format will be in a group blog template. There will be different headings for all of the different topics I will post under. Rather than posting all of the items I write about under the same general heading there will be a main page and then separate sections for each area of focus. Right now the topics will most likely be:

Catholic culture and commentary
Pro life news, advocacy, and logic
Craft Beer tasting and brewing news
Fatherhood and Husbandry
Random comedic incidents

I have been kicking around the following ideas as possible topics:

Marathon Running
Fantasy Baseball
Academia: the achievements and plights
Garden growing

Do you have any suggestions about headings you would like to see me post under?

Don't worry though, no need to update your records or links. Visiting the current site will automatically bring you to the new site. Just enjoy the transition into the beauty of the new site... like the blossoming of a new spring flower....



Dtrain said...

White Sox

Anonymous said...

Beards: Facts and Fun

Flatulances: Myth or Reality

Acting Presidential, (or not)

Unknown said...

I second "LOTR"
And if you include Garden should change it to "Garden and Beard Growing". Both are vitally important to the development of a man.

Anonymous said...

This is getting too complicated...