Friday, January 29, 2010

Mark Kirk sucks

Dear Citizens of Illinois,

Mark Kirk would be a horrid choice for the Illinois US Senate seat. Mark Kirk is a liberal, pro-abortion, phony Republican. He is not to be trusted. Please vote in this Tuesday's primary for anyone other than Mark Kirk. He is the only pro-abortion Republican running. Kirk bastardizes the Republican name and is one of the maliciously minded and misguided individuals committed to dragging the Republican name down to join the Democrats in their genocide of the unborn.

I would suggest you vote for Patrick Hughes. Mr. Hughes holds true conservative principles and convictions. In fact, Mr. Hughes is getting the HTNL endorsement. Read more about Mr. Hughes here.

John Arrington (R), also running for Senate has a wonderful response to the abortion issue:

"Life begins at conception...Having spent 25 years working with youth on the front lines of the pro-life movement, this is a passion and a priority for me. Realizing the American dream of unlimited opportunity and freedom and the potential for boundless achievement in this country begins at birth. Infinite genius, intellect, brilliance, imagination and inventiveness literally go down the drain through abortion at a time in history when our communities and our country need these qualities the most. Nowhere is this impact felt greater than in black communities where a silent genocide is taking place with almost 1500 black babies being aborted everyday in America. I am a strong opponent of abortions and would join with other Republicans, independents and blue dog Democrats in supporting a Henry Hyde type amendment banning federal funds for abortions."
(Chicago Tribune)

Regardless of who you choose, please do NOT choose Mark Kirk.

Monday, January 18, 2010


"This isn't the Democratic party of our fathers and grandfathers. This is the party of Woodstock hippies. I was at Woodstock — I built the stage. And when everything fell apart, and people were fighting for peanut-butter sandwiches, it was the National Guard who came in and saved the same people who were protesting them. So when Hillary Clinton a few years ago wanted to build a Woodstock memorial, I said it should be a statue of a National Guardsman feeding a crying hippie."

--John Ratzenberger (Cliff from Cheers the show)

So much for all those happy California cows

Healthy cows come from Wisconsin....

What happened to the happy cows in California?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Yeah Scott Brown is great but....

Scott Brown is pro-abortion. Sorry, folks. I know it's exciting to watch him try to pull a huge upset in the bluest state in the union. But, this guy is pro-abortion. He is against partial birth abortion, or so he claims, and insists on a minor informing her parents. Good starts to be sure. But he also claims, "the 'choice' should ultimately be between a woman and her doctor." Good logic. The next time I want to commit grand theft auto, or engage in an act of unprovoked unjust war, or commit mass crimes against humanity I'll be sure to consult my doctor first. He'll know best. And, what's more, it's sure to hold up in a court of law. "But your honor, I consulted with my doctor and he says its just fine to steal Mr. Brown's car." Coming from a person who reads a great quantity of scholarly articles written by M.D.'s every single day (me), the M.D. is the LAST person you want to go to when it comes to ethics. If I was on my death bed in a coma and there would be one person chosen to make life and death decisions for me, I would put the MD toward the bottom of the list - behind farmer Bill, a welder, a feed store clerk, and a drywall mudder. (Notice no government workers making my life and death decisions - the ranks of which our M.D.'s may join some day as they have already in the U.K.)

When I see a weak Republican (or Democrat) say, "Well, I'm pro-abortion but against partial birth abortion" I always would like to ask "why are you against partial birth abortion but not all abortion.?" Is there an metaphysical change in the baby from 5 months 3 weeks and six days in the womb to 6 months in the womb? Nope. Any scientific backing to say that a baby at conception is metaphysically different than a baby at 6 months or 9 months or 67 years old? Nope. Well, looks like you're at best illogical or at worst a complete imbecile. "I would rather you not kill your child in general, but we should allow it so long as a doctor approves but only to the 6th month, an arbitrary non-scientific date not supported by any philosophy or research, at which point you may not murder your child even though the baby is metaphysically identical to the previous two trimesters when murder is allowable." Seems odd does it not? Like saying, "Well, I'm against slavery, but I wouldn't want to see laws against it." "Slavery is between a slave owner and the person who sells him the slaves." "The usage of drugs should ultimately be between the addict and his pusher, the one person who can be relied on to make choices in the best interest of the person currently being exploited." How absurd.

It would be nice to see a Republican take this seat and halt the disastrous health care plan. But, on the downside, we're getting a weak fool on a philosophical level. I applaud his service in the military and his commitment to limited government, balanced budgets, and traditional values (except his illogical support of abortion). But, you cannot reject the primary right of humanity and retain any standing of respect in my opinion. He'd be better than Teddy (obviously) but essentially holds the same position as Teddy on the most important issue.

Quote of the day:
"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever"
-T. Jefferson.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Important message to expecting fathers


Here are some rules I have learned when caring for your expecting wife.

1. Never wake a sleeping pregnant woman... it's like waking a sleeping grizzly bear. Do it if you have to but don't be surprised if you get mauled or catch a giant paw to the face.

2. Never take a pregnant woman's pizza rolls.

3. Never tell a pregnant woman that morning sickness is "all in your head".

4. Never point anything out you may be noticing - ever.

5. Never complain about being tired, you just can't win the debate over who is more tired.

6. Dishes, laundry, and cleaning products are your friends.

7. Turning up the thermostat for comfort is well worth the high bill.

8. Be advised: any refusal for late night food runs or refusals of any kind really will be met with comments such as, "oh, I'm just carrying your child" or some such comment.

Best of Luck, God Speed.
